
Definition captor
Definition captor

1 noun captor A person or animal that catches or confines another. 3 noun captor a person or animal that holds another captive 3 noun captor a person who captures (someone or something) or holds captive 3 noun captor a person who has captured a person or thing. It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit kapati "two handfuls " Greek kaptein "to swallow, gulp down," kope "oar, handle " Latin capax "able to hold much, broad," capistrum "halter," capere "to grasp, lay hold be large enough for comprehend " Lettish kampiu "seize " Old Irish cacht "servant-girl," literally "captive " Welsh caeth "captive, slave " Gothic haban "have, hold " Old English hæft "handle," habban "to have, hold. countable noun captor You can refer to the person who has captured a person or animal as their captor. It forms all or part of: accept anticipate anticipation behave behoof behoove cable cacciatore caitiff capable capacious capacity capias capiche capstan caption captious captivate captive captor capture case (n.2) "receptacle " catch catchpoll cater chase (n.1) "a hunt " chase (v.) "to run after, hunt " chasse chasseur conceive cop (v.) "to seize, catch " copper (n.2) "policeman " deceive emancipate except forceps gaffe haft have hawk (n.) heave heavy heft incapacity inception incipient intercept intussusception manciple municipal occupy participation perceive precept prince purchase receive recipe recover recuperate sashay susceptible. Almost 10 years after her own kidnap nightmare, Elizabeth Smart opened up about her harrowing experience and the abuse she endured at the hands of her captor to a crowd of 700 people at the Child Protection Awareness Event. The dictionary is frequently updated and it works both online and offline.Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to grasp." Qaddafi Sympathizers settle Score with Dictator's Captor: Torture, Kill (CBS).

definition captor

Scientific words, medical words, geology, geography, biology, anatomy, chemistry, physics, literature, computing, psychology and linguistics words were included and precisely translated to Hausa.Įnjoy your stay here and also contribute to its growth by linking to us or inform others about this website. However this website came along with English to Hausa learning resources designed specifically for native Hausa wishing to learn English as second language. Definition (noun) a person who captures and holds people or animals. We provide English & Hausa bilingual usage sentences, description images, audio pronunciations of all Hausa words, pluralization of Hausa words, and origins of Hausa words derived from Arabic or English. captor - Dictionary definition and meaning for word captor. One who is holding a captive or captives. ‘Many of the orange jumpsuit-clad detainees fight their captors at every opportunity.’. ‘This seemed to catch their captor by surprise, but he quickly regained his composure.’.

definition captor definition captor

‘he managed to escape from his captors two nights later’. One who catches or has caught or captured something or someone. A person that catches or confines another.

Definition captor how to#

We specified British Audio and IPA pronunciation of any English word for those wishing to know how to pronounce a particular word. One who is holding a captive or captives. We included hausa descriptions of complex and ambiguous definitions The website/app provide definition of any existing English or Hausa word and phrase.Įach words came along with parts of speech.

definition captor

is an online/offline English to Hausa And Hausa to English comprehensive bilingual Dictionary (or Kamus in Hausa) containing thousands of British and American English words/phrases and Abbreviations.

Definition captor